Don’t Drowse and Drive this Christmas
Posted on - 11th December 2019
Investing in a high-quality mattress from Dial-a-Mattress is one of the best ways to guarantee you get your 40 winks and wake up as fresh as a daisy in the morning.
It's that time of year where messages such as 'don't drink and drive' are quite frequent; but did you know 20% of all car accidents are attributed to fatigue?
Investing in a high-quality mattress from Dial-a-Mattress is one of the best ways to guarantee you get your 40 winks and wake up as fresh as a daisy in the morning.
Tired Drivers - The Statistics
Driving when tired is a serious problem that is often ignored as a risk but thousands of road accidents (fatal and serious) are caused each year with men three times as likely to women who have fallen asleep at the wheel.
Here are the instances where tired drivers are most likely to cause a crash:
• On long journeys on monotonous roads, such as motorways
• Between 2 am and 6 am
• Between 2 pm and 4 pm (especially after eating, or taking even one alcoholic drink)
• After having less sleep than normal
• After drinking alcohol
• If taking medicines that cause drowsiness
• After long working hours or on journeys home after long shifts, especially night shifts
There are numerous dangers of being sleepy while driving and if you are sleep deprived you won’t be as alert and less likely to make good decisions. Your reaction times will be considerably slower and could lead to serious consequences for your health and safety plus that of others.
Common Signs of Drowsy Driving
Whether you have had a late night or a disturbed night, lost sleep is hard to control especially when you are driving and trying desperately to stay awake.
Below are six tell-tale signs of drowsy driving –
• Trouble focusing
• Heavy eyelids
• Unable to remember how you’ve driven
• Lane drifting
• Yawning constantly
• Bobbing your head
Mattresses of Dreams at Dial-a-Mattress
Investing in a new mattress is the best kind of Christmas you can give yourself. Here at Dial-a-Mattress, we have the best range of mattresses and bed frames in Shrewsbury.
Get in touch if you have any questions.