How To Stop Someone From Snoring
Posted on - 5th May 2022
In April, the UK celebrated national snoring week. So we decided why not detail the ways to get someone to stop snoring.
Last month, the UK celebrated national stop snoring week. The entire week was dedicated to spotlighting why and how people snore, what this might mean and ways to kick the potentially annoying habit for good. Whether you are pressed up against your bed frame in Shrewsbury or simply lying on your mattress in Telford; the epidemic of snoring could hit you at any time.
We all know that if you have a snorer in your life, or even your bedroom, it can be rather annoying and irritating. Not only does it make it harder for you to get to sleep in the first place, sleeping by or next to a loud snorer can actually disrupt your sleep throughout the night.
Snoring does not just have a negative impact on the people surrounding the snorer, the act of snoring can actually affect the snorer directly.
At Dial-A-Mattress, we offer more than just great quality mattress and bed frames in Telford; we want to keep you informed of different sleeping practices and remedies. So we national stop snoring week among us: why you might be snoring; what it might mean and how to stop doing it.
Why Do We Snore?
It is advised that around 15 million people in the UK snore with a further 30 million being affected directly by someone who snores. It is also cited men, more specifically men aged 50- 60 years old, are more susceptible to snoring.
With so many people in the UK snoring, it can become quite difficult to identify why they are doing so. While it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly why someone is snoring; there are actually multiple reasons people snore. Some of the many reasons include:
Blocked Nose and Sinuses
If you have a blocked nose due to a cold or due to hay fever; this might lead to snoring. Your nasal airways being blocked make it virtually impossible to inhale which in turn creates a vacuum in your throat. This, rather unsurprisingly, leads to snoring.
Frequent Alcohol Consumption, Smoking or Medication
Cigarettes, Alcohol and certain medications such as Diazepam are designed to relax your muscles. The relaxed muscles in your throat lead to vibrations producing loud noises as air passes through.
As previously alluded to, your age can have a direct impact on weather you not you snore. Narrower and loss of muscle tone in your throat as you get old means you might become a snorer as you get older if you like it or not.
Being Out of Shape
If you are overweight or out of shape, you might have a poor muscle tone or fatty tissue in your neck, as you might have potentially already guessed; this means you might end up snoring.
Your Sleeping Position
Statically speaking, sleeping on your back usually increases your chances of snoring. Similar to reasons previously stated, your muscles relax which can push you towards becoming a snorer. In addition, poor sleep posture can lead to snoring.
So What Does This Mean?
Whilst in most cases snoring is nothing to worry about aside from being just a general noisense; snoring could be a sign of something more severe.
Snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is quite a serious condition where the sufferer's sleep is interrupted multiple times a night leading to a serious lack of sleep. Getting a sufficient amount of sleep is not just a paramount to your mental wellbeing but essential to your overall physical health.
Getting sleep can not just improve your mental alertness and sufficiency, it can drastically reduce the risk of health problems in later life. Understanding this is key to highlighting the severity of the situation sleep apnea, and therefore snoring, can cause.
How To Stop Snoring?
The chances are, there will not be just one specific remedy to stop snoring for good. However, there are quite a few technique which have garnered a lot of success:
Change Your Sleeping Posture
As previously mentioned, if you have a generally poor sleeping posture or sleep on your back, you might want to consider altering these in an attempt to stop snoring.
Cut Down On Alcohol
If your snoring is starting to have an impact on your life; you might want to consider cutting alcohol or stop drinking it entirely.
Sleep Cleaner
Focusing on your sleep hygiene has many benefits. One of which can be to help stop your snoring. Changing your pillows and bed sheets more often will reduce your exposure to potentially unwanted forgiegn bodies and bacteria; meaning they won’t get stuck in your throat and potentially cause snoring.
Clear Sinus and Open Nasal Passages
Expanding your airways is arguably one of the most effective stop snoring remedies. You can easily do this by using nasal sprays before bed.
Lose Weight
Rather unsurprisingly, losing weight or getting into better physical shape can mitigate the effects of snoring.
A Good Quality Mattress To Help Stop You Snoring
We provide high quality mattresses in Telford and surrounding areas. If you require one of our exceptional mattresses or bed frames. Be sure to contact us.