Why Getting Your 8 Hours Is So Important
Posted on - 15th June 2022
In the UK, so many people do not get their recommend 8 hours of sleep. So let's detail why it's so important.
Do you regularly find yourself being part of the infamous 3am club? Up in the middle of the night endlessly scrolling through the social media app of your choosing. Tossing and turning across your double bed trying every position imaginable to get to sleep.
You might have tried everything from changing your bed’s mattress to more stereotypically comfier ones such as the famous memory foam mattress. It might be that no matter what, you just can’t seem to get a good night's sleep.
By now, you have probably heard the old adage; you should get at least 6-8 hours sleep every night. While the exact amount of hours of sleep you should get is very much up for debate; the general consensus amongst industry professionals seems to be that the optimal amount of sleep is 8 hours per night.
As a well regarded supplier of bed frames and mattresses in Shropshire; we thought it our duty to detail why getting 8 hours of sleep is so important.
It Can Help Your Heart
Your heart is by far the most important muscular organ in your body and increasing its general health is of paramount importance. This is arguably why so many people spend hours trying to improve the strength of it. From doing hours of cardio at the gym to implementing an incredibly healthy diet; the techniques attempted are seemingly endless.
It might surprise you to know however, that one of the easiest ways to improve the health of your heart is by getting your important 8 hours of sleep. Studies have found that having just 6 hours of sleep a night can decrease the chances of having a heart attack by 4.6 percent.
If this is the outcome of getting just 6 hours of sleep; you can only imagine how much more beneficial getting 8 hours of sleep will be. Improving the health of your ticker has many advantages and is clearly essential in regards to living a fulfilling healthy life.
Improving Your Mental Health
Getting your all important 8 hours does not just help your physical health, it can improve your mental health too.
Improving your mental health has become all the more important in recent times. This has only been exacerbated since the lockdowns brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Studies have shown that getting 8 hours of sleep a night can drastically improve your overall well being, lower anxiety levels and allow for ease of focus when concentrating.
While mental health problems can have multiple complex and varied reasonings, getting the right amount of sleep can massively help to relieve some of the pressure in this regard.
Helping You To Lose Weight and Stay Fit
Have you been struggling to keep up with your new year’s resolution to stay physically fit? Have you been performing hours of exercise and sticking to a vigorous diet regime but no matter how hard you try; you just can’t seem to hit your target?
Well luckily, we might have just the solution for you. Getting your recommended sleep can help you stay fit and lose weight so you can hit your vital weight loss goals.
When you sleep less, your body naturally has a lot less energy. As a direct result of this, your body will crave food with a large amount of calories, carbonates and sugar to compensate for the lack of energy. While this might be ok on the odd occasion, frequently divulging in foods of this nature will make you put on weight.
Getting your 8 hours a night is proven to help you lead a healthier lifestyle. Studies have shown that adults who sleep less than 7 hours a night have a 41% increased chance of developing obesity.
Not only does getting more sleep help you lose weight, it can also help you maintain a healthier lifestyle. Statistically speaking people who get 8 hours a sleep are an optimal weight as well as leading a generally healthy lifestyle.
Improve Productivity and Brain Functionality
During your workday, do you find yourself feeling drowsy and struggling to focus? If so, you might not be getting enough sleep.
A study conducted found that doctors with sleep impairment are 97% more likely to make a clerical error. Accompanying this is the fact that it is estimated employers lose 1.86% of domestic product gross due to poor employee sleeping habits.
Without the correct amount of sleep, the chances are you will struggle to concentrate, learn, communicate with others and to be generally productive.
A New Mattress To Help You Get 8 Hours of Sleep?
If you are on a quest to get your 8 hours of sleep, a new high quality mattress might be the key. Luckily, at Dial-a-Mattress we supply premium mattresses in Telford as well as quality bed frames in Shrewsbury.
We supply the majority of Shropshire and other surrounding areas. So why not get in touch? We are sure we will be able to help you achieve the all important 8 hours a night.